Dalai Lama set for third Slovakia visit in Oct’16

The Dalai Lama. (Photo courtesy: theguardian.com)
The Dalai Lama. (Photo courtesy: theguardian.com)

(TibetanReview.net, Aug03, 2016) – Tibet’s exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, is to visit Slovakia’s capital Bratislava for three days from Oct 15, his third visit to the country since 2000, reported spectator.sme.sk Aug 2. The visit is being organised by Csaba and Suzanne Kiss, founders of the private At Home Gallery based in Šamorín (Trnava region).

During the visit, the Dalai Lama will deliver a lecture at Bratislava’s National Tennis Centre, the Aegon Arena. “The lecture will be a strong and clear voice calling for peace and hope,” Suzanne Kiss was quoted as saying.

The Dalai Lama had visited Slovakia for the first time in Sep 2000, on an invitation from the Ján Langoš Foundation. At that time he was awarded the Ján Langoš Prize for his efforts aimed at human rights and democracy around the world.

He again visited the country in 2009 on invitation by the At Home Gallery as well as Comenius University in Bratislava. The latter granted him an honorary Doctor Honoris Causa.

From Bratislava the Dalai Lama will visit the Czech capital Prague and other capitals in central Europe.


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