Video footage shows horrendous Chinese brutality on Tibetans


(, Mar 23, 2009) — The exile Tibetan government released on Mar 20 a seven-minute film showing Chinese police brutalising Tibetans during the suppression of the Mar 2008 Tibet uprising protests. The first part of the video footage shows Chinese police kicking and beating entirely defenceless Tibetans, including monks, after they were handcuffed and lying on ground somewhere in or near Lhasa. The second part of the video shows a horrendous set of injuries sustained by a young Tibetan named Tendar, an employee of the China Mobile company, after he intervened in the police beating of a monk.

The exile government’s said Mar 20 that Tendar tried to stop some Chinese police officials from beating a monk on Mar 14, 2008, when he was on his way to his office. This enraged the officials who directed their anger at him as well, firing at him, stubbing out cigarette butts on his body, piercing his right foot with a nail, and severely beating him with electric baton. The picture shows the festering wounds and bruises still visible on his body.

Despite being subjected to such terrible ordeal, tender received only a polythene covering over his wounds, with the result that when finally moved to the TAR People’s Hospital, the doctors and nurses were stunned to see both the amount of rots that had set in and the nature of the injuries. His family incurred huge expenses for his treatment, which, nevertheless, failed. He died on Jun 19, 2008. A nail was found in his right foot when his body was disposed off through the traditional sky burial procedure.

The third part of the footage shows heavy Para-military presence in Lhasa in the run up to the 50th Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day of Mar 10.


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