Young Tibetan monk held for emailing critical essays to Chinese cadres


(, May17, 2014) – A Tibetan monk just out of his teens has been detained and disappeared on Mar 16 after he emailed his writings criticizing the Chinese rule in his homeland to communist party officials stationed at his monastery of Tsenden in Sog (Chinese: Suo) County of Nagchu Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region.

Choeying Kalden, 20, had shared his writings among friends and also emailed them to the Chinese ‘work team’ members conducting patriotism and political education meetings at his monastery, according to Dharamsala-based Tibetan centre for Human Rights and Democracy May 15.

The monk, whose lay name is Athog, originally belongs to Yeggu Village of Yagla (Yala) Township, Sog County. He is said to have written essays and poems on Tibetan culture and identity under the pseudonym of Sog-Thug.

Choeying Kalden’s was only the latest in a series of continuing detention of Tibetans in Sog and neighbours Diru (Biru) County in recent months for protesting against Chinese rule, the centre said. The centre said a number of those detentions, including with names and other details, took place in Mar 2014.


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