Dalai Lama to address anniversary of children’s charity in UK


(TibetanReview.net, Jun16, 2017) – The Dalai Lama will be among a host of well-known local and international speakers and entertainers at the 20th anniversary of Children in Crossfire, which is based in Londonderry, the second largest city in Northern Ireland, UK, on Sep 10. The exiled spiritual leader of Tibet is the patron of the charity and will be the guest of honour at a public talk entitled ‘Compassion in Action’, which will aim to encourage people to be the change they want to see in the world, reported belfastlive.co.uk Jun 15.

Richard Moore, Director of Children in Crossfire, was quoted as saying: “I am delighted and honoured that Children in Crossfire’s Patron, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, has agreed to be the key note speaker at our 20th anniversary celebration to be held in the Millennium Forum. His message of compassion, forgiveness and peace is needed now more than ever. All of these values underpin the work of Children in Crossfire.”

The charity works to bring about a Compassionate World where every child can reach his or her potential. “We seek to nurture Compassion as the core force for bringing about positive change. I am delighted that His Holiness will join us to inspire us with his message of love and compassion,” Moore was quoted as saying.

The report said the charity had, since being founded in 1996, raised more than £25m for worthy causes in 10 countries; providing safe water to more than one million people in Malawi; integrating over 500 visually impaired children into mainstream education in The Gambia; successfully supporting the treatment of over 2,000 children with cancer in Tanzania and treating more than 10,000 children suffering with severe acute malnutrition in Ethiopia.


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