Press watchdog urges young monk’s immediate release


(, Mar 25, 2009) — Paris-based Reporters Without Borders has condemned the arrest on Mar 17 of Tibetan writer Kunga Tseyang, a monk of Lungkar monastery in Golog County in Qinghai, noting, Mar 23, that he had been held sorely for his writings. No reason has been given for the monk’s detention and the group called for his immediate release.

The group said Kunga, 20, had also studied at Labdrang Tashi Kyil monastery in Kanlho (Chiense: Gannan) Prefecture in Gansu Province and the Institute for Higher Buddhist Studies, Dharamsala. He has written many articles about Buddhism and Tibetan art and culture.

It said his most widely read articles included “Who is the real separatist”, “Who stand up us”, “China must apologize to His Holiness the Dalai Lama” and “Tibetans, we must be aware of AIDS.” It said Kunga is also an environmental activist.


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