Amdo dialect Tibetan TV to air 6 hours


(, Jan 04) — Qinghai Tibetan TV, the PRC’s only channel with the Amdo Tibetan dialect will be given a full facelift on Jan 26, with increase in its Tibetan programmes to 50%, reported China’s online Tibet news service Jan 3. It said the Tibetan programme in the so-called Tibetan TV had increased from 3 hours to 4 hours in 2008 and this will rise to 6 hours from Jan 26.

It said the additional programmes would be films and TV plays translated by the Qinghai Tibetan TV, including Warm Spring, Axia and some other popular plays said to be popular among Tibetans.

The report described Amdo dialect as one of the three biggest dialects in Tibetan language, spoken mostly in some areas of Qinghai, Gansu and Sichuan. Qinghai Tibetan TV is the only Tibetan channel for over 2.6 million Tibetan people who speak Amdo dialect, the report added.


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