Arunachal Tibetans’ resettlement in Canada on course

Calgary welcomed number of Tibetan exiles as part of the federal government's five-year plan to help 1,000 people immigrate to Canada from northeastern India. (Project Tibet Society)
Calgary welcomed number of Tibetan exiles as part of the federal government’s five-year plan to help 1,000 people immigrate to Canada from northeastern India. (Project Tibet Society)

(, Sep02, 2014) – A total of 171 of the 890 people from the Tibetan settlements in the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh shortlisted through lot drawing for resettlement in Canada have already left, with 52 others leaving this month, said the exile Tibetan administration on its website Sep 1.

Of those already resettled in Canada, 74 are from Maio Chompheling, 22 from Tenzingang, 49 from Tezu Dhargyaling, and 26 from Tuting.

The statement said another group of 86 would-be emigrants completed their medical evaluation and visa interview last August. All the 890 emigrants will have left India by May 2016, it added.


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