Asian Tibetan advocacy groups meet to discuss common strategy

Sikyong Lobsang Sangay speaking at the 5th Asia Regional Meeting organized by the International Tibet Network (ITN). (Photo courtesy: ITN)
Sikyong Lobsang Sangay speaking at the 5th Asia Regional Meeting organized by the International Tibet Network (ITN). (Photo courtesy: ITN)

(, Nov11, 2015) – Forty-six representatives from 14 Tibetan NGOs working in 10 countries have gathered in Dharamshala, India, to discuss the future course of the Tibetan campaign in the Asian region. The aim of the three-day, 5th Asia Regional Meeting organized by the International Tibet Network (ITN) is to “analyze the present situation of the Tibet movement, to identify the challenges and obstacles and to find a solution or action plan for Tibet movement in Asia region.”

A report titled ‘A Tactical Report on The Tibet Movement’ compiled by the ITN was released by the head of the exile Tibetan administration at Dharamshala, Sikyong Lobsang Sangay, along with the administration’s Information and International Relations Kalon Ms Dicki Chhoyang at the meeting’s inauguration on Nov 9.

The report calls for putting Tibetans in Tibet first; sustained pressure on governments and companies to take action for Tibet, targeting Chinese leaders responsible for Tibet Policy, and outreach to Chinese people as the four main focus of the Tibet advocacy groups’ campaign action.

The Sikyong was cited as saying the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) – as the exile Tibetan administration is officially called – is the nerve-centre of the Tibetan movement. In that context, he wanted the Tibet support groups, as the groups opposing Chinese rule or policies in Tibet are called, to “not just subscribe, but also support CTA’s movement such as Middle-Way Approach”. He was also reported to have called for ‘unity’, while clarifying this did not mean ‘uniformity’.

ITN is an umbrella body which coordinates campaign actions among Tibet advocacy groups across the world. “Our main objective is to collaborate all the 192 small and big Tibet support groups, irrespective of ideology, to unify them in finding a solution for issues inside Tibet and plan for global campaign for Tibet,” ITN’s Co-Chair Ms Dhardon Sharling was quoted as saying.

Alison Reynolds, Executive Director, ITN speaking at the 5th Asia Regional Meeting organized by the International Tibet Network (ITN). (Photo courtesy: ITN)
Alison Reynolds, Executive Director, ITN speaking at the 5th Asia Regional Meeting organized by the International Tibet Network (ITN). (Photo courtesy: ITN)


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