China rewards no-protest Tibetan monasteries, subjects others to patriotism education

Sonam Yarphel stages a solo protest in Sershul, Nov. 26, 2014. (Photo courtesy: RFA)
Sonam Yarphel stages a solo protest in Sershul, Nov. 26, 2014. (Photo courtesy: RFA)

(, May31, 2015) – Implementing a carrot-and-stick policy for maintaining stability, Chinese authorities in Sershul (Chinese: Shiqu) County of Karze (Ganzi) Prefecture, Sichuan Province, have presented cash rewards to monasteries in the Dzachuka area with no protest records while punishing the others with up to four days of education in patriotism during a recent drive, reported Radio Free Asia (Washington) May 29. The cash distributions and patriotism education orders were issued during a visit by officials to the monasteries in the area, the report said.

It was not clear how many of the more than 30 monasteries in the Dzchukha area had received the cash payments, which were said to be in the range of 30,000-50,000 yuan to each monastery. The report cited a local source as saying many monasteries, such as Wonpo, Mangge, Tekar, and Chaktsa, had monks involved in protests, with many still being in jail.

The source has refused to name the monasteries which had accepted money from the Chinese government, adding there were strong objections from the Tibetan community for their having done so.


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