(TibetanReview.net, Aug28, 2015) – A day after China concluded its Aug 24-25 sixth forum meeting on Tibet, with President Xi Jinping vowing unswerving anti-separatism battle, its United Front Work Department posted on its official website an article saying Beijing will never accept the “Middle Way” proposed by the Dalai Lama group, reported the official chinadaily.com.cn Aug 27.
“The Central Government did not in the past, nor is now and will not in the future accept the Middle Way solution to the Tibet issue,” the article, written under the penname Kelsang, was quoted as saying.
The article has then delivered China’s all too frequently reiterated, factually incorrect standard line on the issue, saying that the essential intent of the ‘Middle Way’ is to split China, that “the Dalai group refuses to accept China’s sovereignty in Tibet and wants to seize the reins of power and set up a semi-independent political regime.” It added that the “the essence of ‘a high degree of autonomy’ (supposedly being demanded by the Tibetan exiles) is to setup ‘a state within a state’ free of any control from the central government.
The article was further cited as saying the Dalai Lama clique’s separatist nature had remained unchanged while its strategies were constantly changing.
Against what the Dalai Lama and the exile Tibetan administration say, the article has contended that the “Middle Way” doesn’t recognize Tibet as a part of China’s territory, that it is a separatist political demand to split China and the central government has not and will never accept this.
The article is also seen to be self-contradictory, claiming China was against intervening and limiting Tibetan’s religious freedom, adding in the same breath, however, that the temple management must be strengthened and Tibetan Buddhism should be incorporated into socialist society.