Chinese appointed Panchen says Tibet’s future lies in China’s


(, Mar 20, 2009) — Gyaincain Norbu, the Chinese government-appointed 11th Panchen Lama, has been cited by China’s official Xinhua news agency Mar 15 as saying the Tibetan people could only achieve progress and have a bright future under the leadership of Communist Party of China. “People living in Tibet should cherish the prosperity and happy lives today,” he was quoted as saying during a visit Mar 15 to the Cultural Palace of Nationalities in Beijing to see the exhibition titled “50th Anniversary of Democratic Reforms in Tibet”.

The 19-year-old was reported to have promised to continue to guide Tibetan Buddhists to be adapted to the Chinese socialist society. And he reportedly promised to follow the 10th Panchen Lama’s tradition to be a patriot and try to maintain China’s unity, stability and harmony.

The Tibet propaganda exhibition in Beijing has been on since Feb 24.


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