(TibetanReview.net, Feb09, 2017) – Tibet’s exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, on Feb 7, lectured to the students and faculty of the Jesus and Mary College in New Delhi on the theme of ‘Compassion, Mercy and Universal Responsibility’. The event was held ahead of the colleges’ 50th anniversary and its founding organization’s 200th anniversary, the college’s Principal, Sr Rosily, explained during her address.
He told the over 2000 students attending the talk: “Today we are facing all sort of problems including global warming, scarcity of resources, retreating glaciers, increasing population and many more. Now the time has come to unite as human brothers and sisters and work towards the common goal: A happier world. Through education, we should promote sense of oneness of all human beings.”
He also said: “All major world religions have the same potential to create good human beings. We practice different religions but our goal is same because all major religious traditions of the world emphasise love, compassion and affection. The philosophical differences are skillful means to benefit all people based on their mental dispositions.”
The Dalai Lama said prayer alone was not the answer to solving world problems. “Through praying, it seems we give the responsibility to God. But we should train ourselves, by training our mind in tackling the destructive emotions. Use your intelligence fully, it is the best gift of god. All these negative policies are due to our short sightedness. Whether in the field of global economy, or the case of global warming, there is no relevance of national boundary. It’s imperative to think of one humanity.”
The Dalai Lama also answered questions from the audience on issues such as nationalism and demilitarization, terrorism, and the Hollywood film ‘Seven Years in Tibet’. Asked what his secret was for being in excellent health at such age, the Dalai Lama said sound sleep and training of mind kept him fresh throughout the day. “I always sleep for nine hours. From about 6 in the evening, I sleep and I wake up at 3 am. After I wake up, I do analytical meditation, Virasana. Your mental hygiene is most important for physical fitness.”
In his concluding remarks, the Dalai Lama said, “According to Christianity, we are all children of God, so we should all be concerned for each other. … The Buddha stated, ‘You are your own master, what happens to you depends on what you do.’ To learn to tackle our emotions is something that involves the mind and the use of intelligence on the basis that our minds are calm.”