Emory student body awarded for China-Tibet efforts


(TibetanReview.net, Apr23, 2014) – A student initiative designed to build a bridge of understanding and friendship between Tibet and China has won a 2014 leadership award from the Emory University’s Office of Student Leadership and Service. The China-Tibet Initiative was presented the 2014 New Student Organisation of the Year Award at the university’s annual Leadership, Service, and Diversity Awards on Apr 21.

The initiative was said to have grown out from a friendship between ethnic Chinese student Bart Qian and Tibetan monk Ngawang Norbu, one of Emory University’s six Tenzin Gyatso science scholars named after the Dalai Lama. “This kind of initiative moves us in the direction of, as His Holiness the Dalai Lama has mentioned, making the 21st century, a century of dialogue, peace, and understanding,” the group said on its Facebook page.

Sensitive issues such as that between Tibet and China can result in both the sides becoming more and more entrenched in their own views. However, the China-Tibet Initiative is designed to bring a new and refreshing perspective to international conflicts.

The group hopes the Emory China-Tibet Initiative will be an inspiration for other Chinese and Tibetan students on campuses worldwide to reach out to one another in a similar effort of friendship.

The Dalai Lama had met with the members of the initiative during his visit to Emory University, which is located in Atlanta, US state of Georgia, in Oct 2013.


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