Exile parliament begins 2014-15 budget session in new building


(TibetanReview.net, Mar13, 2014) The seventh biannual session of the 15th Tibetan parliament in Exile opened in Dharamsala on Mar 11 with debating and adopting the 2014-15 budget of the exile administration being its main agenda. The session’s opening was preceded by a ceremony to inaugurate the parliament’s new building by the Dalai Lama.

In his opening remarks the Speaker of the parliament, Mr Penpa Tsering, pledged to the Dalai Lama the elected Tibetan leadership’s determination to direct their collective efforts to the common good of all Tibetans.

On its opening day, the parliament passed a resolution, expressing condolences for all Tibetans who had sacrificed their lives for the cause of Tibet and expressed solidarity with their families. It prayed for their aspirations for a speedy fulfillment of the Dalai Lama’s early return to Tibet and for the reunion of all Tibetans in their homeland. The parliament also mourned the passing away of two of its former members, Mr Gendun Jinpa and Geshe Lobsang Wangyal.


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