No info yet on Arunachal youth abducted by Chinese border troops on Mar 19

There is still no inormation about Togley Singkam who was abducted by Chinese border troops.

(, Apr07’20) – Nearly 20 days after being reported abducted by Chinese border troops, there is still no information on a 21-year-old youth of Arunachal Pradesh, an Indian border state with Chinese ruled Tibet.

21-year-old Togley Singkam was taken at gunpoint from Asapila sector near the McMahon line in the state’s Upper Subansiri district on Mar 19.

Singkam, with his friends Gamshi Chadar and Ronya Nade, had gone to collect traditional herbs from the land belonging to the Naa clan of the local Tagin community, and also to do some fishing on the fateful day.

The abduction occurred while the three friends were busy fishing. Chadar and Nade managed to run away but Singkam could not make it.

The matter was reported to the state authorities, including the police.

The state’s Inspector General of police (IGP) Chukhu Apa said district superintendent of police Taru Gusar had sent the Nacho police station officer in-charge to the spot, and an inquiry has confirmed the incident, reported the PTI news service Apr 6.

“The state government will be apprised of it so as to act accordingly as the matter is under the purview of the external affairs ministry,” Apa was quoted as saying.

A number of organisations in the state have appealed to the state government to take up the matter with the Centre for the safe release of the man, the report said.

The report said the Siyum Nacho Limeking Taksing Students Union had threatened to launch a democratic movement in the state capital if his early and safe release was not ensured.

India considers the McMahon Line the border between it and Chinese ruled Tibet whereas Beijing claims that the state of Arunachal Pradesh is its territory as part of South Tibet.

The McMahon Line was established in a tripartite agreement at Shimla in 1914 among British Ruled India, Tibet and China. China signed the agreement but did not ratify it due to its dissent over the border between an outer and an inner Tibet.


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