(TibetanReview.net, Mar 21, 2009) Chinese police in Karze (Chinese: Ganzi) County of Sichuan Province severely brutalised a young nun who staged a lone protest rally from a place called Takchu Bridge to the county government headquarters on Mar 6 morning, according to Dharamsala-based Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) Mar 17. It said Lobsang Khandro, 21, of Gema Dra-wok Nunnery in Thing-ka Township carried pamphlets and prayer flags while shouting slogans.
The centre said the nun shouted slogans such as “No Freedom in Tibet”, “Tibetan People Rise Up, Rise Up”, “Long Live the Dalai Lama” and “Chinese Authorities Release all Political Prisoners”. Her protest was stopped within minutes with the police rushing to her in five vans and severely beating her on the spot before taking her away.
When friends and relative sought to visit her in a newly build prison, located near a county hospital, they were denied the opportunity. Rather, they were told that the nun deserved to die for her crime and it was not worth enquiring about her well-being.
The nunnery is located about 16 km from the county seat on the route to the sacred Khawa Karpo mountain. Five of its nuns are serving jail terms for participating in last year Tibet uprising protests.