Seven Tibetans severely beaten and held for protesting in Karze


(, Mar 17, 2009) — Seven Tibetans, including three teenaged girls and three young men, were severely beaten and held on Mar 11, 12 and 14 for staging protests in Karze county of Sichuan Province, according to and Oslo-based Voice of Tibet radio broadcast service Mar 14.

The three girls, all aged 17, were named as Choetso, Tseten Lhamo, and Tsering Lhamo and described as residents of Kardze Lhopa township. The protest lasted only very briefly as police pounced on them almost at once. They were severely beaten and taken to the new police detention centre near the local people’s hospital. It was not stated where the protest was held.

And on the first anniversary of the Tibetan uprising protest in Lhasa on Mar 14, three youths – Dawa Tsering, 25; Dhondhup, 24, and Lobsang Nyandak, 25 – were severely beaten and taken away after they shouted slogans such as “long live the Dalai Lama”, “release all political prisoners of Tibet”, “allow the Dalai Lama to return to Tibet”, and “independence for Tibet”. They were taken to the same detention centre. It was not stated where the protest was held.

The reports also said a Tibetan of no known name or description was also arrested on Mar 12 almost immediately after he started a lone street protest.


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