(TibetanReview.net, Sep05, 2016) – The exile Tibetans’ largest grassroots organization will continue to work under the “guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama” while campaigning for “total independence for Tibet”. Both the matters were debated and put to vote during the 16th General Body Meeting of the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) held at Dharamshala over Aug 28-Sep 3, as it was felt by some that these two of the group’s four aims contradicted each other.
The Dalai Lama, Tibet’s exile spiritual leader, is not only the initiator of the middle way policy of seeking autonomy, not independence, for Tibet under Chinese rule but has also made a strong pitch for it, calling it the only possible option. He has also clarified, of course, that independence is Tibet’s historical right and those who fight for it are not wrong.
However, both the motions won support with only simple majority votes. Some have vowed to bring the issue up for debate and vote in the next GBM, due to be held three years hence.
The outcome of the voting will be unlikely to bring back six of the TYC regional chapters in India which had broken away from it, for they wanted the group’s objective to be changed to middle way policy without any discussion and vote. Two of the eight such Regional chapters had rejoined just before the GBM on promise that the issue will be discussed and put to vote. They were obviously disappointed by the outcome.
Altogether the meeting voted on nine resolutions, including one which decided that the TYC will not maintain any association with the US-based Tibetan National Congress which also stands for Tibet’s independence from Chinese rule.
The three-yearly GBM of the TYC re-elected Tenzing Jigmey as president as well as Vice-President Tamding Hrichoe and Secretary Tashi Lamsang.
The 140 delegates representing 40 of the 87 regional chapters of the TYC received an audience with the Dalai Lama on Sep 4.