Covid-19: Nations still report thousands of daily infections; India not to extend current 21-day lockdown

The spike in the number of people confirmed to be infected with the Covid-19 global pandemic in countries outside China continues to be in sharp upward trajectory.

(, Mar30’20) – The spike in the number of people confirmed to be infected with the Covid-19 global pandemic in countries outside China continues to be in sharp upward trajectory with the five worst affected countries, namely the USA, Italy, Spain, Germany, France, Iran and the UK, continuing to report daily increases in thousands. Meanwhile China, which unleashed the pandemic both on itself and the rest of the world but has managed to come out of it, reported continued rapid normalization of its national socio-economic activities.

In India, the number of confirmed cases has touched 1,071 and the number of deaths 29 as of Mar 30 at 10:30 am, according to the country’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The previous day’s cumulative totals were 979 and 25 respectively, with the number of those cured/discharged/migrated being 100. The country has 971 still under treatment amid continuing reports about new infections.

Kerala is back as the worst affected state with a cumulative total of 194 (+20) infections and 1 death, followed by Maharashtra with 193 (+10) infections and 6 (+2) deaths , and Karnataka with 80 (+4) cases and 3 deaths. India’s most populous state Uttar Pradesh had 75 (+21) infections but no death.

Other badly hit states/Union Territories  included Telangana, 69 (+13); Gujarat, 58 (+6); Delhi, 53 (+15); Punjab, 38; Tamil Nadu, 50 (+14); Jammu & Kashmir 31; Madhya Pradesh, 33 (+3); Haryana 33 (+14); West Bengal 19 (+2); Andhra Pradesh, 19 (+5); and Ladakh, 13, Bihar, 11.

Besides, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh, Chattisgarh, Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram, Odisha, Puducherry, and Uttarakhand had 9 or less number of cases.

Maharashtra had the most number of deaths at 8, followed by Gujarat at 5; Karnataka at 3; Delhi, Madhya Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir at 2 each, and Bihar, HP, Kerala, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, and West Bengal at 1 each.

India said Mar 30 that it had no plans to extend the current 21-day nationwide lockdown which began on Mar 24 midnight. The lockdown is seen as preparation for a possible community spread of the pandemic in the country.

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Across the world the countries with more than 1000 cumulative infections thus far included 143,025 US; 97,689 Italy; 82,152 China; 80,110 Spain; 62,435 Germany; 40,723 France; 38,309 Iran; 19,784 United Kingdom; 14,829 Switzerland; 10,930 Netherlands; 10,836 Belgium; 9,661 Korea, South; 9,217 Turkey; 8,788 Austria; 6,320 Canada; 5,962 Portugal; 4,284 Norway; 4,256 Brazil; 4,247 Israel; 4,197 Australia; 3,700 Sweden; 2,817 Czechia; 2,615 Ireland; 2,564 Denmark; 2,470 Malaysia; 2,139 Chile; 1,950 Luxembourg; 1,924 Ecuador; 1,866 Japan; 1,862 Poland; 1,815 Romania; 1,625 Pakistan; 1,534 Russia; 1,524 Thailand; 1,418 Philippines; 1,299 Saudi Arabia; 1,285 Indonesia; 1,280 South Africa; 1,240 Finland; 1,156 Greece; 1,071 India; and 1,020 Iceland.

Other countries with 100 or more infections were reported to be 993 Mexico; 989 Panama; 859 Dominican Republic; 852 Peru; 844 Singapore; 820 Argentina; 741 Serbia; 730 Slovenia; 713 Croatia; 712 Diamond Princess; 702 Colombia; 679 Estonia; 634 Qatar; 609 Egypt; 589 New Zealand; 570 United Arab Emirates; 547 Iraq; 511 Algeria; 499 Bahrain; 479 Morocco; 475 Ukraine; 460 Lithuania; 447 Hungary; 438 Lebanon; 424 Armenia; 354 Bulgaria; 347 Latvia; 340 Bosnia and Herzegovina; 334 Andorra; 314 Costa Rica; 314 Slovakia; 312 Tunisia; 304 Uruguay; 298 Taiwan*; 293 Kazakhstan; 263 Moldova; 259 Jordan; 259 North Macedonia; 255 Kuwait; 224 San Marino; 222 Burkina Faso; 214 Cyprus; 212 Albania; 209 Azerbaijan; 194 Vietnam; 167 Oman; 165 Cote d’Ivoire; 152 Ghana; 151 Malta; 144 Uzbekistan; 142 Senegal; 139 Cameroon; 139 Cuba; 139 Honduras; 126 Brunei; 120 Afghanistan; 120 Sri Lanka; 119 Venezuela; 111 Nigeria; 110 Mauritius; 109 West Bank and Gaza; and 103 Cambodia.

Concerning the countries or cities with 100 or more deaths, the figures were shown to be 10,779 Italy; 6,803 Spain; 3,186 Hubei China; 2,640 Iran; 2,606 France; 1,228 United Kingdom; 776 New York City; 771 Netherlands; 541 Germany; 431 Belgium; 300 Switzerland; 158 Korea, South; 144 King Washington US; 136 Brazil; 131 Turkey; 119 Portugal; 114; Indonesia; and 110 Sweden.


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In China, the National Health Commission has said Mar 30 that the mainland had one domestically transmitted new infection on Mar 29, but 30 what it called imported additional infections, taking the total of such imports to 723 as of Mar 29-end. Four were reported to have died on Mar 29.

Mainland China also reported 17 new suspected cases, taking the total of such cases to 168.

Of the mainland’s total reported confirmed cases of 81,470 as of Mar 29-end, 2,396 were still being treated, 75,770 had been discharged after recovery, and 3,304 had died of the disease, reported the official Mar 30.

The total of number of severe cases was reported to be 633, a decline by 109 over the previous day’s total.

Meanwhile, Xin Guobin, vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) has said Mar 30 that around 89.9 percent of employees in industrial companies with an annual revenue of more than 20 million yuan (about US$ 2.84 million) had returned to their posts, reported China’s official Xinhua news agency Mar 30.

The report also said that in Hubei Province, whose capital Wuhan was the epicenter of the global pandemic, the average work resumption rate of industrial firms had surpassed 95 percent by far.

The report also said that 76 percent of small and medium-sized enterprises had restarted work nationwide.


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