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New Delhi
Thursday, May 2, 2024



John Billington* says he remains unconvinced of the viability of the exile Tibetans’ middle way approach for resolving the issue of Tibet, despite his best efforts to make a sense of it – including with a meeting with His...

From Tiananmen Square protest supporter to advocate for independence for Tibet, Basuria, etc

Luo Zongyu* retraces his life’s journey from the Tiananmen Squares protest of 1989 through travels to Tibet and contacts with Tibetans and Chinese democracy activists, which resulted in him becoming an advocate for independence for Tibet – which forced...

Is Chinese Rule in Tibet Colonial?

While China claims that Tibet has been part of China since ancient times and speaks of having only liberated it, peacefully, Dr Gyal Lo* finds, based on the yardstick of an internationally accepted academic discourse, that its rule there...

Please Go Get The Popcorn!

(, Sep10’22) After decades of being refugees I realize that we’ve become unused to giving towards our own interests. We’ve gotten too used to foreign aid and personal sponsors. Well, no foreign aid or sponsor is going to help us...

What Tibetan exile icons are reading this summer

(, Aug21’22) Tibetan Review is giving you a time to tune out the news, for a second, so that you can settle in with a good book. We asked our Tibetan exile icons, thinkers and changemakers from novelist, journalist, filmmaker, academician,...

Sinicization will not succeed, Basuria will be free again

While no one can predict what any possible or eventual breakup of the People’s Republic of China will entail, it is certain that Tibetans, Uyghurs and Mongols of Inner Mongolia are not the only peoples yearning for independence from...

The Tibetan Struggle: At a Tipping Point

Noting that the ever worsening trends of developments concerning China, both nationally and internationally, keep auguring well for those seeking the resolution of the Tibet issue, Nawang Phuntsog*, Professor Emeritus, calls on the Tibetan people to unite to take...

The Bodhisattva Path – A Cosmic Mandate for the Tibetan People, a broader view from an outsider

By: Liem Giok In Contending that the tragic issue of Tibet, for all its appeals to the sympathetic world, lack a political solution as at present, LIEM Giok In* feels that the Tibetan people’s energy and uniquely inherited gift...

Tibet in the Year of the Tiger

Pointing out that the democratic West led by the United States, and branded by China as a ‘paper Tiger’, does not have a great record of being able to defend freedom and democracy when it comes to the crunch...

Restoring Hope for the Future of Tibet

Losang Gyatso* contends that the Tibet issue needs to be strengthened by taking advantage of the fact that the Dalai Lama is not only the charismatic force that garners global support for the Tibet issue but also the one...
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Tibetan Sikyong meets with French President ahead of state visit by Chinese president

(, May01’24) —Ahead of the arrival of Chinese President Xi Jinping for a state visit, President Emmanuel Macron of...
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