25.1 C
New Delhi
Thursday, May 2, 2024


New bill in US Congress – A new beginning for Tibet

OPINION Vijay Kranti* expresses delight at the fact that the Foreign Relations Committee of the US Senate has cleared the way for a new US law which will recognize Tibet...

We must be free or die

OPINION Phuntsog Wangyal* argues that loyalty to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the desire for freedom are not...

Heroism lies not in inflicting pain but in enduring it*

OPINION John Billington** feels sure that Tibet will endure and survive despite the immense odds it faces against its...

Not To Give Up

LETTER Recently I visited Wales and as I travelled through the rolling valleys and rugged mountains I was reminded...

Telling His Holiness what is effective communication?

LETTER (, Mar26’24) All who were watching the ongoing Tibetan parliament session might have wondered with bated breath when MP...

Restoring Faith in Tibetan Democracy: A Call to Action

Dr Nawang Phuntsog-la* bemoans the fact that the very institutions and representatives we have elected seem to be the instruments of the potential downfall...

China cannot use force to trump legitimacy on Dalai Lama reincarnation

EDITORIAL (, Jul02’23) – “The reincarnation of the Living Buddhas must be approved by the central government", "the successor must be searched within China," "Living...

The World’s Largest Tibetan Prayer Wheel…in Vietnam?

Tibetan Buddhism is booming across Vietnam, symbolized by the Guinness Record world's largest Tibetan Buddhist prayer wheel built at the luxury resort of Samten...

Track Two Efforts Needed to Reduce China-India Frontier Tensions

Prof. René Wadlow* sees in India’s current chairmanship of the G20 grouping of states an opportunity for Track Two discussions towards the resolution of...

On meeting His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala

OPINION The meeting itself turned out to be neither exactly as he had imagined, nor completely different from what he had hoped, but Christopher Heise*...

The Defamation of the Dalai Lama: An Intercultural Analysis

OPINION Human behaviors often violate each other’s expectations, which is especially true and rampant in an intercultural setting, and the video clip of a Feb...