36.1 C
New Delhi
Thursday, May 16, 2024


Tales of miracles from the Dalai Lama’s Less Known Trips

Tenzin Sherab* recounts events from three of the Dalai Lama’s trips marked by eyewitness occurrences of miracles. To our naked eyes, what His Holiness the Dalai Lama did at that...

New bill in US Congress – A new beginning for Tibet

OPINION Vijay Kranti* expresses delight at the fact that the Foreign Relations Committee of the US Senate has cleared...

We must be free or die

OPINION Phuntsog Wangyal* argues that loyalty to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the desire for freedom are not...

Heroism lies not in inflicting pain but in enduring it*

OPINION John Billington** feels sure that Tibet will endure and survive despite the immense odds it faces against its...

Not To Give Up

LETTER Recently I visited Wales and as I travelled through the rolling valleys and rugged mountains I was reminded...

The Defamation of the Dalai Lama: An Intercultural Analysis

OPINION Human behaviors often violate each other’s expectations, which is especially true and rampant in an intercultural setting, and the video clip of a Feb...

Controverted Dalai Lama video clip and the Tibetan cry of ‘please listen to us’

LETTER Now, more than ever, the international community needs to listen to the Tibetan people’s constant cry of please listen to us, says Carrie Hartman (,...

Dalai Lama’s life and work belies controverted video clip allegations

OPINION Ben Byrne*, "not a Dalai Lama sycophant", feels that "the idea that the Dalai Lama would dedicate his whole life to ascending from attachment...

Incongruity does not mean abuse: My response to the row over a video featuring His Holiness the Dalai Lama and a young Indian boy

OPINION Dhardon Sharling* argues that the controversy raised over the Dalai Lama’s embrace of a young boy during a recent public event ignores the context...

Politics behind China’s education policy in Tibet

OPINION FEBRUARY 25, 2023 While finding the right balance between maintaining alive a minority culture through education in the minority language and the need for education...

No Middle Way with Marxists

OPINION Ideologically, there can be no middle way between Tibetan nationalism and the Communist Party of China’s Marxism, as the latter’s sine qua non is...