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New Delhi
Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Dalai Lama presides over Geshe Lharampa awards convocation at Bodh Gaya

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(, Jan04’24) – Following the conclusion on Jan 1 of his officially announced teaching schedules at Bodh Gaya, the Dalai Lama has, on being invited, presided over the Gelukpa University Convocation on Jan 3 for the award of the Geshé Lharampa degrees to the more than 300 candidates who had graduated from the monastic learning centres over the last four years.

The event has taken place at the conclusion of the Mönlam Chenmo or the Great Prayer Festival, as noted by the Dalai Lama in his address.

He has then begun by saying, “We should recognise that the teaching of the Buddha is not about saying prayers and performing rituals. It’s mainly about using our minds to cultivate the awakening mind of bodhichitta and insight into emptiness.”

“The Buddhadharma is logical and rational. As is mentioned in ‘Entering into the Bodhisattva Way’, there’s nothing that does not become easier with familiarity. The more familiar we become with emptiness, the more our ignorance is reduced.”

After the degree certificates were presented by the Ganden Tri Rinpoché, the Dalai Lama has again spoken, saying, among other things, “We must look for the reasons behind the teaching. We can’t rely merely on the words of the classic treatises; we must transform what they mean into a living experience.”

He has urged the recipients of the degree certificates “to set an example to others by putting what you’ve learned into practice. Through study, reflection and meditation you can integrate what you’ve learned with your minds.”

Earlier, in his opening speech, event moderator, Geshé Tulku Tenzin Sherab, has noted that the Gelukpa Examination Board was established in 1970, and that more than 1000 Geshés had graduated since then.

In his address, the Ganden Tri Rinpoché has reminded the degree recipients of what Jé Rinpoché, the founder of the Gelug school, had advised – that “we must study, reflect and integrate what we’ve learned within.”


On Jan 4, the Dalai Lama has met with Deputy Chief Minister Mr Tejashwi Yadav of Bihar, who called on him with other state Officials. They were reported to include the state’s Minister for Co-operative Mr Surendra Prasad Yadav, Minister for Agriculture Mr Sudhakar Singh, MLA Guruwa, and other officials.

“Got an opportunity to meet Mahapavan Dalai Lama ji who dedicated himself to promoting religious harmony,” Surendra Prasad Yadav has sad on his Facebook page.


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