Pilot project launched to enable North America Tibetans to pay their Tibetan Green Book contributions online

Tibetan Green Book. (Photo courtesy: Office of Tibet, Washington D.C.)

(TibetanReview.net, Mar02’21) – The exile Tibetan administration has launched a pilot project for North American Tibetans to enable them to register and pay their Tibetan Green Book contributions online. For this purpose, Tibetans are asked to fill a Google Form.

Having a Gmail address is a must for registering to pay the Chatrel online, said the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) on its Tibet.net website Mar 2.

The purpose of registering by filling the Google Form was stated to be to ensure a mapping between the registree’s email ID, date of birth and Tibetan Green Book number. These are the only details the form asks for.

The CTA said its Department of Finance had received around 400 Gmail addresses from Tibetans in North America so far and has urge others to follow suit.

The project, if successful, will be gradually expanded to cover Tibetan in other regions.


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