UNSC set for closed-door chat on Covid-19 as China is no longer its President

UN Security Council. (Photo courtesy: UN)

(TibetanReview.net, Apr06’20) – Although not a great deal is expected from it, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is to hold a closed-door informal consultation on the Covid-19 pandemic this week, three days after China demitted its presidency. Ten non-permanent members led by Dominican Republic have forced the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to agree to the meeting, reported hindustantimes.com Apr 5.

Earlier, an attempt by Estonia to have the UNSC discuss the pandemic with more transparency and accountability was blocked by China, Russia and South Africa who argued that the coronavirus spread was not a peace and security issue and hence outside the UNSC’s mandate.

The demand for informal consultation on the pandemic, insisting that it impacts the peace and security of the world, was pushed this time by UNSC President Dominican Republic on Apr 3. It was backed by Vietnam, Indonesia, Germany, Belgium, Estonia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, South Africa, Niger and Tunisia, the report said.

The date for the informal consultations this week will be fixed by Mr Guterres after addressing the UNSC through video conference.

China is expected to be supported by Russia, raising a huge question on the possible outcome of the discussions on the pandemic that originated in China’s Wuhan city before it rapidly spread across the world due almost entirely to China’s inaction and punishment of those who did try to raise alarm over the impending national and global crisis.

The role of the World Health Organisation that failed to recognise the disease as a pandemic earlier and Beijing’s initial denials when the outbreak took place as early as Nov 17, 2019 is expected to come up discussion, the report said.


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