62nd Tibet Uprising Anniversary: US House Speaker vows to continue to advance freedom in Tibet, China

Nancy Pelosi, US House Speaker. (Photo courtesy: AFP)

(TibetanReview.net, Mar11’21) – Declaring her continued stand with the Tibetan people in honoring those who had sacrificed their all for their rights and freedom, US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has on Mar 10 vowed to “never rest in our efforts to advance freedom and opportunity in Tibet and throughout China”.

Releasing a statement on the occasion of the 62nd anniversary of the Tibetan Uprising Day, Pelosi has said, “Tibetan men, women and children want simply to practice their faith, speak their language and celebrate their culture free from violence and intimidation. Yet, Beijing for decades has waged a campaign to destroy Tibet’s proud culture and history, which remains a clarion call for action to freedom-loving people worldwide.”

She has said the Tibet Policy and Support Act enacted by the US Congress last year strengthened diplomatic ties between the US and the Central Tibetan Administration and made clear that “decisions regarding Tibetan religion should be made solely by Tibetan religious leaders.”

She has also said in her statement: “Guided by His Holiness’s spirit of hope, we will never rest in our efforts to advance freedom and opportunity in Tibet and throughout China – because if we do not stand up for human rights in China due to commercial interests, then we lose all moral authority to talk about human rights in any other place in the world. We will not be deterred in this vital mission.”


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