(TibetanReview.net, Mar24’23) – In order to encourage more Tibetans living overseas to register as voluntary contributors towards the finance of the Central Tibetan Administration, a rebate of 90% is being offered for the period an unregistered Tibetan has failed to pay his or her due.
Of the around 50,000 Tibetans living overseas, the number of those who had registered under the Tibetan Green Book plan has been 14,017 as of the year 2021-22, Sikyong Penpa Tsering has told the Tibetan Parliament in Exile (TPiE) at its ongoing Mar 15-25 session on Mar 23.
He has said that previous rebate offers made to those who had failed or been unable to pay but desired to do so in the years 2007 and 2017 had been most encouraging.
Under the current offer, those who have failed to pay their dues could register by paying 10% of the amount due from them till the year 2022-23. The payment could be made either in one lump sum or in equal amounts spread over several years.
In the case of those who had come from Tibet and lived in India, Nepal, or Bhutan for a certain number of years before moving overseas, the missed payment at 10% could be made as per the amount due for contributors in these three countries for their years of stay in them. The remaining amount to the extent of 10% has to be paid as per the amount fixed for the Tibetans living in the countries of their current residence.
The TPiE also discussed increasing the contributions, seen as overdue after more than 30 years, to be made by Tibetans living in India, Nepal and Bhutan.