Indian state reports high Covid-19 fatality among youngsters

Indian state reports high Covid-19 fatality among youngsters. (Photo courtesy: Outlook India)

(, Jun13’20) – The Indian state of Uttar Pradesh has defied the globally observed trend which suggests that the Covid-19 pandemic is especially fatal to those who are elderly, especially with preexisting medical conditions, and that healthy youngsters are less at risk. About 65 per cent of the total of 321 deaths in the state was in the 21-60 years age group, reported Jun 13. Those aged above 60 numbered 101 (31.5 per cent) of the deaths, with 11 (3.5 per cent) being in the age group of 0 to 20 years, the report added.

These details emerged as India’s Ministry of Health reported 11,458 new cases, the highest ever yet thus far, and 386 new deaths during the past 24 hours as of Jun 13 at 8AM (GMT+5:30), taking their totals to 308,993 cases and 8,884 deaths.

The country has the fourth highest number of Covid-19 cases and 9th highest number of deaths from it. Its daily growth rate is next only to the two worst affected countries of USA and Brazil.

The eight worst hit states with more than 10,000 cases were led by Maharashtra with a total of 101,141 cases after 3,493 fresh cases were reported in the past 24 hours, followed by Tamil Nadu with 40,698 (↑1,982) cases, Delhi with 36,824 (↑2,137) cases, Gujarat with 22,527 (↑495) cases, Uttar Pradesh 12,616 (↑528), Rajasthan 12,068 (↑230), Madhya Pradesh 10,443 (↑202), and West Bengal 10,244 (↑476).

Below them were 13 states/Union Territories with more than 1,000 cases, namely Karnataka 6,516 (↑271), Haryana 6,334 (↑366), Bihar 6,103 (↑120, Andhra Pradesh 5,680 (↑251), Jammu & Kashmir 4,730 (↑156), Telangana 4,484 (↑164), Odisha 3,498 (↑112), Assam 3,498 (↑179),Punjab 2,986 (↑99), Kerala 2,322 (↑78), Uttarakhand 1,724 (↑81), Jharkhand 1,617 (↑18), and Chattisgarh 1,429 (↑31).

And then there were nine other states/ Union Territories with more than 100 cases, namely Tripura 961 (↑48), Himachal Pradesh 486 (↑16), Goa 463 (↑46), ), Manipur 385 (↑19), Chandigarh 334 (↑2), Ladakh 239 (↑104), Puducherry 157 (↑0), Nagaland 156 (↑28), and Mizoram 104 (↑2).

Four states/Union Territories with less than 100 cases included Arunachal Pradesh 67 (↑6), Sikkim 63 (↑49), Meghalaya 44 (↑0), and Andaman and Nicobar Islands 38 (↑0).

Lakshadweep and Dadra Nagar Haveli remain the only State/Union Territory without any Covid-19 case.

Maharashtra also had the most number of deaths at 3,717 (↑127), followed by Gujarat 1,415 (↑30), Delhi 1,214 (↑129), Madhya Pradesh 440 (↑9), West Bengal 451 (↑9), Tamil Nadu 367 (↑18), Uttar Pradesh 365 (↑20), Rajasthan 272 (↑7), Telangana 174 (↑9), Andhra Pradesh 80 (↑0), Karnataka 79 (↑7), Punjab 63 (↑4), Jammu & Kashmir 53 (↑1), Bihar 36 ↑0), Haryana 70 (↑6), Kerala 19 (↑1), Uttarakhand 21 (↑6), Odisha 10 (↑1), Jharkhand 8 (↑0), Chattisgarh 6 (↑0), Himachal Pradesh 6 (↑0), Chandigarh 5 (↑0), Assam 8 (↑2), Ladakh 1 (↑0), Meghalaya 1 (↑0), and Tripura 1 (↑1).

Eight States/ Union Territory with Covid-19 cases have reported no deaths so far.



Across the world the total number of Covid-19 cases surged close to the 7.67 million mark to reach 7,669,317 while a total of 426,165 had died as of Jun 12 at 2:03:27 PM (GMT-4), according to the Dashboard maintained by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University.

There were 142,533 new cases and 4,470 new deaths during the preceding 24 hours or so across 188 countries and regions.

The countries with the most number of reported Covid-19 cases thus far were US (2,048,986), Brazil (828,810), Russia (519,458), India (308,916), UK (294,402), Spain (243,209), Italy (236,305), … China (84,228).

The countries with the most number of Covid-19 deaths were US (114,669), Brazil (41,828), UK (41,566), Italy (34,223), France (29,377), Spain (27,136), Mexico (16,448), Belgium (9,650), Germany (8,772), Iran (8,584), India (8,884) … China (4,638).



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