China lowers Covid-19 emergency alert in Tibet, helps migrant workers’ return

Workers reinforce tracks in the rain near the Tanggula Station of the Qinghai-Tibet railway. (Photo courtesy: Xinhua)

(, Mar07’20) – Chinese-ruled Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) has on Mar 6 downgraded its emergency response toward the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak to the second level while China’s Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said Mar 6 that local governments, including TAR and other Tibetan-populated regions, had helped 2.1 million migrant workers return to work.

The TAR government had lowered the local emergency response from the top level to the second level, which will enter into effect on Mar 7, reported China’s official Xinhua news agency Mar 6. The report added that certain areas will be managed under the requirements of the third level.

The TAR government had activated a second-level emergency response on Jan 27 and upgraded it to the top level two days later.

The region had only one officially confirmed case so far, with the patient being a traveller from China. There has been no suspected or confirmed case for 36 consecutive days, the report added.

It was also reported by China’s official Mar 7 that the central Chinese government was helping migrant workers get back to work amid the ongoing novel coronavirus outbreak, with areas in extreme poverty enjoying priority.

The report cited a recent notice released by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development as saying priority was being given to facilitate the supplying of workers to 52 remote areas of the People’s Republic of China struggling in extreme poverty, including in the TAR, southern part of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region and Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture in Sichuan province.

The government will continue to offer assistance in transportation and protective supplies to qualified workers in poor areas, the report said.

The report cited the notice as saying temporary positions such as cleaners, disinfection workers and watchmen for checkout stations will be open to local residents of the impoverished regions amid the epidemic.


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