Botswana rejects former president Khama’s request to visit D’sala for 60th Tibet Uprising Day

Ian Khama, former president of Botswana. (Photo courtesy: AP)

(, Mar05’19) – The government of Botswana has rejected a request from the country Ian Khamato visit Dharamsala, India, to take part in the Tibetan people’s 60th National Uprising Day on Mar 10. The Permanent Secretary in the Office of President Carter Morupisi feared a backlash from China in case the visit was sanctioned, reported the APA news agency Mar 4.

Khama had officially invited the Dalai Lama to Botswana when he was the president, rejecting Chinese objections, but the latter was unable to travel due to his health condition.

“It would not augur well for the Government of Botswana to sponsor or support (financially, diplomatically or logistically) any personality, especially a high-profile individual as the former President, to interact with the Tibetan Group, which is in exile in India,” Morupisi was quoted as saying.

The government’s response came after Khama’s office wrote to the Office of the President, informing it of the trip for financial and logistical support, the report said.

The report claimed that China and Dalai Lama had been feuding over the sovereignty of Tibet and that the former views the Dalai Lama as a separatist. Apparently no one has been able inform the news agency yet that the Dalai Lama only seeks autonomy, not independence, for his homeland.


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